Friday, May 13, 2011

The Big Apple and City of Brotherly Love

So I'm more then 1/2 way through my NY and Philly vacation and I am loving it so far. It is so great to be able to get away from work and everything else. The weather here is so nice here and getting to wear my boots and long sleeved shirts instead of work out shorts and tank tops is so refreshing. going to my cousins graduation brought up some sadness, but mostly happiness for what is to come for him as well as what is to come for me :) I am also loving eating all of this great food in both New York and Philly, and being treated to anything and everything I could want. I have tried some awesome beers, great food and seen some cool places. I don't really want to go home and go back to "real life", but I do miss the furry baby and the boy. I'll post pictures when I get home from my trip. :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

So long..

So, all of the blogs that I follow, I always get to sad when they don't post for a few days, or even more then a week. Now I totally know why. It just slips your mind, you get caught up with things that don't pertain to the blog. I am now going to get back into this. It hasn't been too long that I have had this blog, but I really want to focus on this, not only as an outlet but as a place for me to grow myself and express myself. I am going to start up with more and more recipes we make as well as updates about Zeke, and our daily lives. As of right now, we are in the process of deciding whether or not we want to move and where would want to move and how much we want to spend and...  Ughhh so much. But I am trying to remain calm and we are seeing how that is going, day by day. In brighter news, vacation is soon, and I am excited. :) There is so much fun to be had this summer and I am very excited. I am looking forward to posting more recipes later this week, as we continue to cook up some awesomeness!!! Om nom nom..!

Also, sorry for the million and one commas haha
